This is the main index page

Stuffe for Various Choirs

A resource page by ITFactotum

- John Craick,
last updated 18/1/2017


To find out what this is about, you can read the blurb below or, if you know all that, you can go straight to individual resource pages for ...

The Blurb

This page provides resource links for a few choirs that I sing in. Typical material for each choir might include pdf scores, midi files & notation files of works currently in preparation, recordings of past performances, YouTube links & whatever else might seem useful from time to time.

Most of the actual resources are stored in the cloud on Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. URLs for these locations are long, ugly and very forgettable. An advantage of this page is that it hides all the ugly bits and should make it easier to access the material.

New links will be added on each page as new material becomes available. This scheme avoids having circulate a new URL for each new resource.

General Choral and Tech Links

On the "Technical Guffe" page there is information about e-tablet music readers, music reading, playing and notation software, links to two major on-line collections of electronic scores - and more.